Thursday, February 28, 2019

Life Cycle

We had gym with Mr. Der where we played with pool noodles and jumped on our dots. We created bird life cycles as well in our visual journals and learned the four parts of the cycle:
Egg --> Chick --> Fledgling --> Adult

We had centers and literacy centers and snack. Some AM students had art with Mr. Kelly where we drew birds. 

There is no school for students tomorrow. 

Important Updates:

- Please review Read-A-Thon forms sent home today and send them back ASAP. 

- Field Trip forms and swimming forms were sent home. Please fill them out and sign them and send them to us by Monday, March 4th. Thank you. 

- As the weather improves, we will try to be outdoors more often. Please ensure that your child is always prepared for the weather with snow pants, mittens, scarves, jackets, etc. 

-  Thank you to those who are bringing back colored folders on a regular basis and exchanging home reading books. We are still working with students to get them in the habit of putting the folders in the bins at the beginning of school. Please help us by reminding students at home to take their folders out so they can get a new home reading book. We are not sending home reading books without folders and students must return their book in order to get a new one. 

- Please send signed report card envelopes with your child. Please do not seal the envelope as we will be using the same envelopes again.

Pink Shirt Day

We talked about the origin, meaning, and importance of Pink Shirt Day and proudly wore pink shirts to celebrate kindness. We journaled different ways of being kind. Students suggested that we can share toys with our siblings, we can help clean up at home and in the classroom, looking after little siblings, and helping people when they fall down.

We continued our discussions on birds and many students brought bird stuffed toys and puppets which helped us compare different birds.

Please use the sign-up genius links below to volunteer:


Bird Sanctuary Field Trip:



Important Updates:

- Field Trip forms and swimming forms were sent home. Please fill them out and sign them and send them to us by Monday, March 4th. Thank you. 

Please get your Big Box of Cards orders in as soon as possible - the last date to send in orders is TOMORROW Thursday, February 28, 19.  Thanks!

- As the weather improves, we will try to be outdoors more often. Please ensure that your child is always prepared for the weather with snow pants, mittens, scarves, jackets, etc. 

-  Thank you to those who are bringing back colored folders on a regular basis and exchanging home reading books. We are still working with students to get them in the habit of putting the folders in the bins at the beginning of school. Please help us by reminding students at home to take their folders out so they can get a new home reading book. We are not sending home reading books without folders and students must return their book in order to get a new one. 

- Please send signed report card envelopes with your child. Please do not seal the envelope as we will be using the same envelopes again.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Mixed up Birds

Today was a very busy and productive day! AM students had gym with our MRU student teachers, Ms. H and Ms. M where we went through some fun obstacle courses. We used sharpies and drew our own personal mixed-up birds in our visual journals. Students had lots of I wonders about what different birds look like and our conversations are becoming richer each day. We also started literacy centres today and did different activities such as letter scavenger hunts, finding new words, and sang letter songs. 

Encourage your child to:
- create a mixed-up bird at home
- talk about what their 
- read home reading book
- read other books for 15 minutes

Please see sign-up to volunteer using the sign-up genius links below:


Bird Sanctuary Field Trip:



T = Is it Truthful?    
H = Is it  Helpful?                
I = Is it  Inspiring?            
N = Is it Necessary?             
K = Is it Kind?

This is an important message for our students and adults whether communicating electronically or with their words in other ways!   

Pink Shirt Day is tomorrow, Wednesday, February 27! This day is devoted to anti-bullying, but at Eric Harvie we choose to focus on Kindness and Building Peaceful Communities. The official Pink Shirt for this year has a "Be Kind" heart coming from an electronic device. They are asking people to “THINK”, before sending a message to others:

Monday, February 25, 2019

Baby Bird

Some AM students and all PM students a bread the book, Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman  and then drew the baby bird. We learned what a round story is and even learned the technique of using a pencil to draw first before using a sharpie. We had gym with Mr. Der and had centers. We also looked at different types of birds and read the book The Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle and drew our own mixed up birds. We collaborated by adding different parts of different birds to our classmates' drawings.

Important Updates:

- Field Trip forms and swimming forms were sent home today. Please fill them out and sign them and send them to us ASAP. Thank you. 

Please get your Big Box of Cards orders in as soon as possible - the last date to send in orders is Thursday, February 28, 19.  Thanks!

- As the weather improves, we will try to be outdoors more often. Please ensure that your child is always prepared for the weather with snow pants, mittens, scarves, jackets, etc. 

-  Thank you to those who are bringing back colored folders on a regular basis and exchanging home reading books. We are still working with students to get them in the habit of putting the folders in the bins at the beginning of school. Please help us by reminding students at home to take their folders out so they can get a new home reading book. We are not sending home reading books without folders and students must return their book in order to get a new one. 

- Please send signed report card envelopes with your child. Please do not seal the envelope as we will be using the same envelopes again.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Peace Assembly

Mr. Kelly visited us today and drew birds with us. Mr. Kelly took us to the bouldering wall for gym. We read the book "One" by Kathryn Otoshi to discuss the importance of kindness and standing up for one another. We independently drew our self portraits of ourselves in one zone of our choice (red, yellow, green, blue) and had centers and snack. We also excitedly participated in the Kindness Pod's peace assembly as well- which was simply amazing and taught us all about making a peaceful community. 

Important Updates:
Please get your Big Box of Cards orders in as soon as possible - the last date to send in orders is next Thursday, February 28/19.  Thanks!

- As the weather improves, we will try to be outdoors more often. Please ensure that your child is always prepared for the weather with snow pants, mittens, scarves, jackets, etc. 

-  Thank you to those who are bringing back colored folders on a regular basis and exchanging home reading books. We are still working with students to get them in the habit of putting the folders in the bins at the beginning of school. Please help us by reminding students at home to take their folders out so they can get a new home reading book. We are not sending home reading books without folders and students must return their book in order to get a new one. 

- Please send signed report card envelopes with your child. Please do not seal the envelope as we will be using the same envelopes again.